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liliumsoft Cloud Computing

Domain Name Registration

LiliumSoft LLC provids Domain Registrations and Web Hosting. We provide Domain Registrations in all TLDs and ccTLDs including .com, .net, .org, .biz, .co, .info, .cc, .in, .tv, .tel.

 As and when you decide in favour of establishing an online business, the first step towards it is the registration of your domain name. The domain you choose becomes the name of your online entity and supposedly speaks about your business to the visitors; just like your name gives an idea about you.

As search engine spiders also come across your website’s name first and foremost, it is advisable to choose your domain name very carefully and finalise one Our domain name registration procedure is highly user friendly. The control panel interface is simple and intuitive that lets you control your web account on your own with minimum hassles of technical know-how.

The domains registered with us are sold for at least one year duration, after the expiry of which renewal is mandatory for its smooth carrying forward. Besides, domain name registration and renewing domain name registrations, we also provide comprehensive domain name extensions for fluent choice-making.

We provide domain name registration services for a very competitive price. Besides your budget, we are also concerned about your security.

We make sure that no hacking or any such untoward incidence takes place within our work domain by lacing you with secure tools, like Change-Notify and Locking of Domain.

The control panel provided by us is password protected. We also provide single user interface to save you from the trouble of remembering too many passwords.

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