
Digital Marketing

liliumsoft Cloud Computing

Digital Marketing

We compromise to request the search engine submission and do the respective follow up, but under no circumstances we can guarantee that you will be included on them.

Our search engine specialists will download your pages, change the relevant META TAGS needed for the submission to be as successful as possible, and submit your site to the top 5 search engines and to more than 600.000 of secondary search engines, including: Google, AltaVista, Lycos, MSN, Overture, HotBot, Wisenut, DogPile, AOL, Search, All The Web, Teoma, Excite, NBCi, All the Sites, Ix Quick, etc.

When submission is ready we will send you a report with the date the submission was requested and to which search engines it was made.

After 2 months of the first submission we will make a follow up and you can ask for a report on your site's progress. If it is needed (and usually it is if you want to be ranked on the top 10 positions) a new submission will be requested every 2 months, till your year period is over, unless you want to renew the service.

If you want the service you should agree with the following:

  • You have read the notes above and agree with them
  • You have to give us the keywords that you want to use, not more than 16 words for each page.
  • You should give us the FTP access codes for your site.
  • You won't allow any other person or company to manipulate the site while on the submission process, otherwise we take no responsibilities for any failures and you will lose any right to claim your money back.
  • Our page should not use frames on the front page of your site and make sure that they have "real text" not only images to make the indexation process faster and more efficient.
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